Ms. Ozorio’s
Classroom Hub
Seventh Grade
Room 29
Contact Info
About Ms. Ozorio
I am so excited to be the 7th Grade Math
& Science teacher this year! I had
previously taught 2nd and 4th grade in
San Bruno Park School District. I
absolutely love teaching here at
Sandpiper. I started here teaching 2nd
grade, then taught 3rd grade, and back to
2nd. Now it's time for 7th grade!
I am a big fan of the Harry Potter books
and movies. I love to read and hope to
share that love with my students. I also
enjoy spending time with my dog, Kuma.
I am looking forward to getting to know
you all and to a memorable and wonderful
7th Grade Math Topics Covered: | Accelerated Math Topics Covered: |
We will be using Desmos in 7th Grade. There is a 7th Grade Math course and an accelerated course.
Students will utilize a combination of written notes and online practice to learn and move toward an
understanding of skills and concepts.
Physical Science
Structure of Matter Changes in Energy on the Molecular Level Heat and Matter Characteristics of Chemical Reactions Physical and Chemical Properties Modeling Conservation of Mass Thermal Energy in Chemical Reactions Synthetic Materials
Life Science
Competition in Ecosystems Organism Interactions in Ecosystems Introduction to Photosynthesis Energy Flow in Organisms Relationships in Ecosystems Flow of Energy in Ecosystems Dynamic Nature of Ecosystems Ecosystem Biodiversity
Earth & Space Science
Human Dependence on Natural Resources Earth Materials Plate Tectonics Seafloor Spreading Geoscience Processes Weathering and Erosion Natural Hazard Predictions
We will be using STEMScopes as our science curriculum.
Journalism – Elective
JOURNALISM (1st & 2nd Trimesters) Students will learn the basics of journalism, including how to write news articles, conduct interviews, and report on events. Students will learn how to gather information, fact-check sources, and write in a clear, concise style that is appropriate for news reporting. We will learn about the history of journalism and the role that journalists play in society. Through creating a digital newspaper, students will develop their skills in research, writing, and critical thinking, while gaining an understanding of the importance of accurate and ethical journalism.
BROADCAST JOURNALISM (3rd Trimester) Students will learn about journalism as it applies to television and other forms of electronic media. Students will learn how to create news stories that are suitable for broadcast, including writing scripts, conducting interviews, and using video and audio equipment. We may also learn about the different formats used in broadcast journalism, such as news packages, live reports, and studio interviews. Students will develop their skills in camera work, video editing, and on-camera presentation.
Sandpiper Newspaper
What is QUEST Time? A journey of questions, discovery, and explorations. Quest Time is a chance for you to: Make Create Teach, or Do Something You get to decide, but put a lot of thought into it as you will be working on it for weeks at at time. Ask questions, do research, and CREATE!
What are you passionate about?
What do you do for fun? What are you curious about? What have you always wanted to make, create, or do?
Expectations & Policies
Late Policy Late homework receives 80% credit. For every 3 missing assignments, a letter will be sent home, if it becomes a pattern, a conference will be scheduled. Late projects will be graded as the following: 1 day late for 80% credit and 2 days later for 75% credit.
Grading Scale: Classwork: Homework: Tests/Quizzes: Projects: Participation:
25% 20% 25% 20% 10%
Homework/Classwork Policy Any homework assigned, or classwork not completed is expected to be turned in the following class meeting unless otherwise stated. Students are required to come to school with their homework completed. Most, but not all homework will be posted on Google Classroom.
Absence Policy Students have 2 days to make up absent work, tests & quizzes included, for every 1 day of absence. Work turned in after this period will be marked as late. Make-up tests and quizzes must be taken by appointment either before/after school or during ALL Time/Genius Hour
Elective or P.E.
Elective or P.E.
Math (Blue)
Period 1 8:25–8:35
Period 2 8:35–10:25
Math (Blue)
Science (Green)
Break 10:25–10:40
Period 3 10:40–12:30
Science (Blue)
Lunch 12:30–1:10
Period 4 1:10–3:00
Elective or P.E.
Elective or P.E.
ALL Time
Math (Green)
Science (Blue)
Math (Green)
Science (Green)
Weekly Schedule
Common Sense Media
Great Schools
Khan Academy
Scholastic Book Order
Sandpiper School Website